Experiences of Younger Siblings of Young Men in Prison

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In light of the extensive research into parent-child relationships in the context of imprisonment of either and knowledge of the negative effects this can have on both, this peer-reviewed article reports on the under researched social and psychological effects of having a sibling in custody. This research in particular was conducted to enhance understanding of the needs and experiences of children who have a sibling inside. It is based on qualitative psychological analysis of the accounts of eight young people between the ages of 9 and 17 who had an older brother in custody. The key themes identified are the emotional response to a sibling being taken into custody, hesitance in disclosing information to teachers and peers, and perceptions of their own behaviour when taking their siblings imprisonment into account. Findings are considered along side policy implications and recommendations for those working with young people in the area of criminal justice.

Read about siblings' experiences of an older brother inside below:

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