This document contains a poster and two page briefing about children of offenders and how NICCO can assist academic institutions to include children and families affected by parental offending in various courses such as PGCE and Undergraduate ITE, Social Work, Childhood Studies, Criminology, Counseling, Youth Work, Child Nursing and Education Studies.
As some of this group of children and families will be amongst the most vulnerable, and often remain 'invisible' to agencies, it is a priority to include children of offenders in workforce training. The briefing suggests that children of offenders could feature in modules that look at a range of topics, including inclusive practice, children's rights, the criminal justice system, multi-agency working and child wellbeing and resilience. NICCO are able to provide a comprehensive pack of materials that can be integrated into relevant courses or modules to raise awareness about the impact of parental offending. The poster and briefing include direct quotes from children and families and examples of practice.
Please download the poster and briefing below.