Birth charter for women in prisons in England and Wales

Every year, around 600 pregnant women are held in prisons in England and Wales and some 100 babies are born to women prisoners. However, although there are several pieces of national and international legislation in place to protect their health and well-being, many of these women do not get the care and support to which they are entitled.

Birth Companions has been working with pregnant women and women with babies in prison since 1996 and have supported over 1500 imprisoned women through pregnancy and childbirth. This Birth Charter sets out their recommendations for improving the care of pregnant women and their babies while they are in prison. Based on real-life experiences of women they have supported, as well as evidence from policy and research and examples of best practice, the charter includes quotes from women who were pregnant, gave birth or spent time in prison with their babies.

Download a copy of the charter from the Birth Companions website below:

Click here

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The Centre is delivered by Barnardo’s in partnership with His Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS).
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