A Families Perspective: A blog by Danielle Part 2
This is part 2 the story of Danielle and her family, continuing to describe how their lives were impacted by the imprisonment of her partner, Marcus
For the second part of her story, Danielle has written a poem.
The house is so empty without you here
It’s even more difficult with you so near
Its 9pm and I’m writing you this
I’d do anything to give you a little kiss
The pain I feel is like I’m grieving
I know you have the exact same feeling
But you said you feel it’s like you've died
Its hurts that much we've cried and cried
I'm so grateful that you are alive
So bring it on even if you do 5!
No matter how long the sentence may be
We will get through this as a family
I miss those nights you'd come through the door
You'd get in the shower leave your clothes on the floor
Their things I don't miss when you was here
But I certainly miss when we'd have a beer
We've had fun nights where we've laughed and laughed
And this is why you’re my first and my last
You always support me no matter what
A lot of people wish they have what we've got
You’re so special and my best friend
I'm here with you till the very end
Don't worry about the things you will miss
Isaac and Oscar are still little kids
I don't even remember when I was 7
I think it’s more from the age of 11
This is when they will need you the most
Then they can make us brews and toast
There's so much to look forward to in years to come
But always feel blessed you have 2 sons
I watch them on visits sat on your knee
Just like when they were the age of 3
We love and miss you like you wouldn't believe
This is why were sad when we leave
I sit here at night thinking of you there
Sat up twisting that afro hair
That place just isn't for people like you
When you phone me it sounds like a zoo
Just stay focused the best you can
I know you will come out a better man
Hang in there Marcus just stay strong
One day we'll be choosing our wedding song
So see if you can do a poem too
I'm done for now, speak soon I LOVE YOU...