Barnardo's Essex Children Affected by Parental Imprisonment (CAPI) Conference: 'Hidden cost on Offender Families'.
Barnardo's Essex Children Affected by Parental Imprisonment (CAPI) Service has just released the evaluation paper from their conference: 'Hidden cost on Offender Families'.
Barnardo's Essex Children Affected by Parental Imprisonment (CAPI) Service has just released the evaluation paper from their conference: 'Hidden cost on Offender Families'.
The conference held in partnership with the Essex Fire & Rescue Service and the Police and Crime Commissioner for Essex, highlighted how multi-agency and collaborative working could help improve the lives of children, young people and their families. Attendees at the conference heard moving first-hand accounts from CAPI service users. Other guest speakers included Roger Hirst, Police & Crime Commissioner for Essex and Jonathon Whalley, Barnardo's Director of Children's Services. There were three workshops on the day, designed to give attendees a better understanding of the 'offender journey' from initial arrest all the way to resettlement. There was also a 'market place' with a number of stall holders including: Ormiston, Essex Fire Service, The Change Project, Family Lives, Barnardo's CSE, Barnardo's Essex Advocacy Services, Essex County Council Early Years & Childcare, Castlepoint Association of Voluntary Services, EPUT Safeguarding, Barnardo's Child & Family Wellbeing Service and The Children's Society.