House of Lords debate on women in the CJS
Lord Farmer leads a debate examining the outcomes and needs of women affected by the Criminal Justice System
A debate was held in the House of Lords on 25th July 2019 centered around the motion moved by Lord Farmer that 'this house takes note of the needs of women in the criminal justice system'. Those who took part in the debate included Lord Woolf, Baroness Redfern, Lord Ramsbotham and the Lord Bishop of Rochester.
Some of the key issues that were discussed included; issues around short sentences, pre-sentence reports, prison-based social workers and the need to establish a women's justice board.
The debate can been seen on Paliament TV here from 15:00.
The Hansard record is here, and the House of Lords library note 'Women in the Criminal Justice System' including a link to the full report is here.