Visitor Centre has own Website
The visitor centre at HMP Featherstone now has has its own website.
Darren Johnson, the Head of Reducing Re-offending at HMP Featherstone explained to us why the Visitor Centre needs its own site.
‘Our visits centre is owned on lease from Featherstone Prison to the John Sandy Trust, our incumbent family service provider is Barnardo’s and in discussion we agreed that the regulated official website for Featherstone prison was very limited in its communication and advertising of the visits centre when families were accessing the site for details. As the information was limited at the time and we were having difficulty in ascertaining who to contact to update it, we decided primarily instigated by trustees of the board of John Sandy trust and in minuted meetings to explore the idea of setting up our own website advertising, informing and communication to all visitors to the website and the centre, a new improved informative website. As you can see, the finished article is very good’
The site can be seen here: http://featherstonevisits.co.uk/