The NICCO Directory of Resources provides details of the huge number of tools, activities, practice models and guidance that have been developed by agencies to support offenders and their children and families.
Whether you are working directly with children, supporting offenders to maintain parental contact, helping a parent to prepare their child for a prison visit or simply want to develop your own understanding of the criminal justice system, this directory provides you with a range of resources to support and inform your work.
To support working with Children
Find activities, books, films, sound bites and worksheets to support your work with children and young people. ViewOffenders and Families
Find information, books, tools, activities and programmes to support your work with offenders and their partners or family members. ViewTo support Professional's Practice
Find delivery models, case studies, local and national policies and guidlines, practice guides, briefings and resources for professional learning and development. View115. State of Children's Rights in England
These reports summarise key developments in England - positive as well as negative - in relation to the UN's 118 recommendations for improving children's human rights. The reports examine significant developments in law and policy and official data relating to children's well-being, as well as covering relevant research and consultations with young people. The 2013 report takes each of the UN's recommendations, and assesses whether improvement, deterioration or no change has...
116. Family support for children and families affected by imprisonment - A handbook for Families First services in Wales
This handbook is a practical resource to help Families First services in Wales support children and their families affected by imprisonment. Families First, with their combination of universal and targeted services, their base in the community, and their potential for early intervention are a key resource for meeting the needs of this group. This handbook provides practical guidance and suggestions on how Families First services can develop their reach to, and practice with,...
117. Children affected by the imprisonment of a family member: A handbook for schools developing good practice (Cymru)
This handbook is a practical resource to help Welsh schools support the children of prisoners. The aim of the handbook is to support all school staff to better address the needs of this group of children. The handbook covers the main research and gives examples of good practice. However, the emphasis is on practical ways to support children affected by imprisonment, and it includes checklists that schools can use to ensure they are doing everything possible to support children affected by...
118. A manifesto for families of prisoners in the north east
This manifesto is the result of a Nepacs Visitors' Voice event where families of prisoners that are currently visiting north east prisons discussed how the government and prison service can change services for prison visitors for the better. The manifesto contains 16 action points for the government that the families felt would improve prison visits for children and families and help to maintain family ties during a sentence. Please download the manifesto below.
119. Barnardo's i-HOP Quality Statements and Toolkit
The Barnardo's i-HOP Quality Statements and Toolkit is a helpful resource for all professionals in universal, targeted, specialist and criminal justice services to assess and develop their practice with children of offenders. Produced by Research in Practice, the Toolkit was informed by research, policy and practice as well as practitioners and children and young people who have had a loved one involved in the Criminal Justice System. The Toolkit is structured by 8 Quality...
120. Supporting children and families affected by a family member's offending - A Practitioner's Guide
The Barnardo's Practitioner's Guide is a comprehensive and practical resource aimed at all professionals who have direct contact with children and families, including Social Workers, teachers, pastoral staff, early years practitioners, health visitors, nurses, resettlement and prison-based family engagement workers, and more. The Guide refers to key research and theory in order to highlight the impact of offending on the whole family. With a visual and practical...