The NICCO Directory of Resources provides details of the huge number of tools, activities, practice models and guidance that have been developed by agencies to support offenders and their children and families.
Whether you are working directly with children, supporting offenders to maintain parental contact, helping a parent to prepare their child for a prison visit or simply want to develop your own understanding of the criminal justice system, this directory provides you with a range of resources to support and inform your work.
To support working with Children
Find activities, books, films, sound bites and worksheets to support your work with children and young people. ViewOffenders and Families
Find information, books, tools, activities and programmes to support your work with offenders and their partners or family members. ViewTo support Professional's Practice
Find delivery models, case studies, local and national policies and guidlines, practice guides, briefings and resources for professional learning and development. View133. COPING in Prisons. Children of Prisoners, Interventions and Mitigations to Strengthen Mental Health
This briefing, developed by POPS gives an overview of the important, international COPING project and highlights aspects which are relevant to UK Prisons in their involvement with Prisoners' children e.g. direct contact with a parent inside, age appropriate activities, indirect contact, the role of the imprisoned parent and release and resettlement. Six specific recommendations for UK prisons around maintaining contact with the parent in prison and advice and support to parents, care...
134. Barnardo's NICCO: Assisting LSCBs to support children of offenders
This PDF document contains a poster and two page briefing about children of offenders and how NICCO can assist Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCBs) to support them. As LSCBs are made up of members from multiple agencies, they are well placed to raise awareness of children of offenders who can be 'invisible' to individual organisations. The poster and briefing include direct quotes and examples of practice. Please download the poster and briefing below:
135. Barnardo's NICCO: Assisting prisons to support children of offenders
This document contains a poster and two page briefing about children of offenders and how NICCO can assist Prisons to help support them. As Prison staff often have contact with parents inside, as well as contact with children and families during visits for example, they are well placed to consider the benefits of helping to improve family ties. The poster and briefing include direct quotes and examples of practice. Please download the poster and briefing below.
136. Barnardo's NICCO: Assisting schools to support children of offenders
This document contains a poster and two page briefing about children of offenders and how NICCO can assist schools to support them. As school staff often spend more waking time with children of offenders than any other individual or agency, they are in a great position to directly support these children. The poster and briefing include direct quotes and examples of practice. Please download the poster and briefing below.
137. Children of Prisoners Theatre Production
The script for this drama was informed by research with children of prisoners which was carried out by Plymouth University and Barnardo's. The drama explores some of the different challenges that children may face when a parent is sent to prison. All of the children who were involved in the Plymouth University research declined the offer to be directly involved in the drama but one child acted as a consultant to the process. As a result the children in the video are child...
138. Barnardo's NICCO: Assisting Criminal Justice Commissioners to consider children and families of offenders
This document contains a poster and a two page briefing about children of offenders and how NICCO can assist Criminal Justice System commissioners to consider them. The briefing highlights the benefits of considering children and families of offenders in terms of reducing re-offending and intergenerational offending, introduces some ideas about how commissioners may be able to consider children and families, and includes examples of existing services. Please download the poster and...