The NICCO Directory of Resources provides details of the huge number of tools, activities, practice models and guidance that have been developed by agencies to support offenders and their children and families.
Whether you are working directly with children, supporting offenders to maintain parental contact, helping a parent to prepare their child for a prison visit or simply want to develop your own understanding of the criminal justice system, this directory provides you with a range of resources to support and inform your work.
To support working with Children
Find activities, books, films, sound bites and worksheets to support your work with children and young people. ViewOffenders and Families
Find information, books, tools, activities and programmes to support your work with offenders and their partners or family members. ViewTo support Professional's Practice
Find delivery models, case studies, local and national policies and guidlines, practice guides, briefings and resources for professional learning and development. View67. Practice Model: Bristol Strategy and Action Plan for Supporting Children and Families of Offenders
Bristol's city-wide strategy for supporting children and families of offenders, was developed by a multi-agency steering group including representatives from health, children's social care, probation, voluntary organisations and so on. The Strategy ties in children of offenders to the city's children and young people's plan, and sets outcomes for children of offenders which it aims to contribute to. The Action Plan then sets out how the steering group intends to achieve...
68. Case Study: HMP and YOI Hollesley Bay - going the extra mile for the Children and Families Pathway
This case study demonstrates the outcomes achieved for one family, through multi-agency communication and work. Background During Induction, a prisoner serving a life sentence at HMP Hollesley Bay (an open prison), requested support in rebuilding his life with his three children through supervised visits with their LA key workers. The children were residing in local authority care in various locations across the UK. The Head of Residence spent time with the prisoner discussing his personal...
69. Case Study: POPS Community-based Family Support Worker
This case study demonstrates the impact of the direct work done with one family by a community-based POPS Family Support Worker. Background: Aged 17 years Paul* was issued a Police Final Warning for causing criminal damage to his mother's house. His mother Marianne* was reluctant to press charges, not wanting to criminalise her own son, but felt she had no other option. Paul is the eldest of three children (with younger brothers aged 9 and 10 years) who live at home with their mum...
70. Case Study: POPS Prison-based Family Support Worker
This case study demonstrates the impact of the direct work done with one family by a prison-based POPS Family Support Worker. Background Mark* is serving his remaining sentence at a category D prison for alcohol related offences. As a result this has had a huge impact on the whole family unit. He and his partner have lost their home and there was a threat that the children, aged 2 and 3 years of age, could potentially be put into care. Children's Social Care have been involved and are...
71. Practice Model: The Re-Unite Programme
The national Re-Unite programme reunites and houses women leaving prison with their children. Background The Re-Unite programme is currently being piloted in ten areas across the country. It aims to address a 'catch 22' problem in the system whereby when mothers are released from custody, their children are usually in kinship or local authority care and the mothers are therefore generally not considered a priority for housing. Without suitable housing it then becomes very...
72. Guidelines for Working with Children who have a 'Family' Member in Prison (Oxfordshire)
This document provides guidance on how schools in Oxfordshire should support children with a family member in prison. The guidelines aim to raise awareness and understanding of the impact of imprisonment on children's needs, promote social inclusion and develop a consistent approach across the local authority. The guidelines provide information around the impact of imprisonment on a child, on their school life and on their outcomes. The guidelines set out how schools can...